Spirals & Bundles

Foundation | Four Spirals Bundle $1497

Peace Keeper Spiral $397
Receive nine 60 minute audio activations (9 hours of audio): Orientation, Deep Earth Magic, Future Human Being, Plant Medicine Keeper, Ecstatic Human, Sacred Feminine, Divine Presence and Majestic Bloodline. Journey in the Akashic Records to receive clearing and healing to activate the Peace Keeper 5D New Earth Leadership Archetype to support the embodiment of your Voice of Gaia. Includes wisdom for 8 Gene Keys|Human Design Gates: 61 60, 19, 46, 48, 20, and 34.
As a PEACE KEEPER you are here to share the frequency of the Angels through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the PEACE KEEPER is to hold the stability of the field between heaven and earth and provide the deepest connection to the core of Gaia and all her creatures and realms.The PEACE KEEPER embodies the essence of sanctity, justice, sacrifice, fluorescence, ecstasy, wisdom, presence and majesty. They embody the human gifts of inspiration, realism, sensitivity, magnetism, delight, resourcefulness, strength and self-assurance.
They transmute the shadows of psychosis, limitation, codependency, dullness, inadequacy, superficiality and force.

Gate Keeper Spiral $397
Receive nine 60 minute audio activations (9 hours of audio): Orientation, Seer, Atlantean, Oracle, Benevolent One, Great Warrior Of LIght, Lemurian, Magician and Holder Of All Memories. Journey in the Akashic Records to receive clearing and healing to activate the Gate Keeper 5D New Earth Leadership Archetype to support the embodiment of your Voice of Gaia. Includes wisdom for 8 Gene Keys (Human Design Gates): 17,18, 57, 27, 38, 2, 64, 33.
As a GATE KEEPER you are here to share the frequency of the Light of the Wisdom of Past, Present and Future through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the GATE KEEPER to prepare the physical body and multidimensional channel of those humans that are ready to make the shift to 5D consciousness, so that they can be fully ready to cross through the Gate to the New Earth. The GATE KEEPER embodies the essence of omniscience, perfection, clarity, selflessness, honor, unity, illumination and revelation. They embody the human gifts of farsightedness, integrity, intuition, altruism, perseverance, orientation, imagination and mindfulness. They transmute the shadows of opinion, judgment, selfishness, struggle, dislocation, confusion and forgetting.

Light Bringer Spiral $397
Receive nine 60 minute audio activations (9 hours of audio): Orientation,White Angel, Purifier, Channel, Cosmic Weaver, Ascension Guide, Invincible One, Blue Angel and Hive Keeper. Journey in the Akashic Records to receive clearing and healing to activate the Miracle Worker 5D New Earth Leadership Archetype to support the embodiment of your Voice of Gaia. Includes wisdom for 8 Gene Keys (Human Design Gates): 11, 12, 10, 50, 54, 9, 40 and 44.
As a LIGHT BRINGER you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Source through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the LIGHT BRINGER is to channel down the Light of Source to activate the creation codes of Gaian Consciousness that will manifest the New Earth timeline on our planet. They LIGHT BRINGER embodies the essence of light, purity, being, harmony, ascension, invincibility, divine will and synarchy. They embody the human gifts of idealism, discrimination, naturalness, equilibrium, aspiration, determination, resolve and teamwork. They transmute the shadows of obscurity, vanity, self-obsession, corruption, greed, inertia, exhaustion and interference.

Miracle Worker Spiral $397
Receive nine 60 minute audio activations (9 hours of audio): Orientation, Seer, Atlantean, Oracle, Benevolent One, Great Warrior Of LIght, Lemurian, Magician and Holder Of All Memories. Journey in the Akashic Records to receive clearing and healing to activate the Gate Keeper 5D New Earth Leadership Archetype to support the embodiment of your Voice of Gaia. Includes wisdom for 8 Gene Keys (Human Design Gates): 17,18, 57, 27, 38, 2, 64, 33.
As a GATE KEEPER you are here to share the frequency of the Light of the Wisdom of Past, Present and Future through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the GATE KEEPER to prepare the physical body and multidimensional channel of those humans that are ready to make the shift to 5D consciousness, so that they can be fully ready to cross through the Gate to the New Earth. The GATE KEEPER embodies the essence of omniscience, perfection, clarity, selflessness, honor, unity, illumination and revelation. They embody the human gifts of farsightedness, integrity, intuition, altruism, perseverance, orientation, imagination and mindfulness. They transmute the shadows of opinion, judgment, selfishness, struggle, dislocation, confusion and forgetting.

Mastery | Four Spiral Bundle
(available Winter 2024 – 4 Spirals each with 9 Activations (36 hours of audio transmissions)

Alchemist Spiral
As an ALCHEMIST you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Alchemical Transformation through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the ALCHEMIST is to open the mind of each human to create the neural circuitry required to construct the bridge to the New Earth. The ALCHEMIST embodies the essence of transfiguration, awakening, truth, quintessence, silence, immortality, emanation and beauty. They embody the human gifts of transmutation, initiative, inquiry, simplicity, invention, totality, anticipation and freshness. They transmute the shadows of oppression, agitation, doubt, complexity, addiction, purposelessness, fantasy and entropy

Visionary Spiral (available July 31, 2024)
As a VISIONARY you are here to share the frequency of the Light of All Heroic Acts through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the VISIONARY is to seed the future with those visions that will bring peace and harmony for the New Earth. The VISIONARY embodies the essence of virtue, rebirth, freedom, superabundance, impeccability, valor, veneration and epiphany. They embody the human gifts of guidance, revolution, freedom, expansion, precision, self-authority, preservation and insight. They transmute the shadows of division, reactivity, victimization, immaturity, intellect, control, failure and deafness.

Lover Spiral (available Fall 2024)
LOVER you are here to share the frequency of the Light of all Shades of Love through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the LOVER is to nourish the hearts of those humans that are in transition to the New Earth so that they can lovingly let go of what cannot go with them and open up to the highest frequency of love. The LOVER embodies the essence of compassion, empathy, universal love, intoxication, forgiveness, transparency, devotion and tenderness. They embody the human gifts of humanity, discernment, acceptance, enrichment, understanding, intimacy, commitment and equality. They transmute the shadows of.turbulence, discord, constriction, intolerance, dishonesty, halfheartedness and weakness.

Entertainer Spiral (available Winter 2024)
As an ENTERTAINER you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Divinely Inspired Play through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. The mission of the ENTERTAINER is to continually enrich the spirit of each human that has made the transition to the New Earth Consciousness. The ENTERTAINER embodies the essence of mastery, innocence, invisibility, rapture, humility, celebration, LIBERATION and communion. They embody the human gifts of versatility, innovation, artfulness, lightness, leadership, detachment, dynamism and synergy. They transmute the shadows of indifference, chaos, pride, desire, arrogance, expectation, provocation and domination.