It is time to step forward as the Voices of Gaia.
We are the Sacred Leaders of the New Earth.

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Voices of Gaia New Earth Leadership Activation – Peace Keeper

It is time to step forward as the Voices of Gaia. We are the Sacred Leaders of the New Earth.

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Voices of Gaia New Earth Leadership Activation – Peace Keeper


It is time to prosper and experience true wealth consciousness by aligning to your soul path as a Voice of Gaia, the sacred leaders of the new earth.

A sacred leader of the new earth lives life from a place inspired by inner truth, passion and connection to what matters most to your soul’s calling.

Let me support you to live a life of self-fulfillment.

I am committed to support you to activate and embody your highest vision for your life and support you to experience more passion, beauty and joy.

The Voices of Gaia Project facilitates the inner work that must be done by each individual in order that the outer experience of each individual may come into resonance with the internal shifts one experiences in their perception of life as a human on this planet. To see life through the lens of high frequency love and foster harmony and peace within oneself, so that one can be a leader/ wayshower for creating heaven on earth, the new earth that is ready to awaken within oneself and bring one’s physical life into resonance with this 5D field of high frequency love.

The Voices of Gaia Project facilitates the inner work that must be done by each individual in order that the outer experience of each individual may come into resonance with the internal shifts one experiences in their perception of life as a human on this planet. To see life through the lens of high frequency love and foster harmony and peace within oneself, so that one can be a leader/ wayshower for creating heaven on earth, the new earth that is ready to awaken within oneself and bring one’s physical life into resonance with this 5D field of high frequency love.

What Clients are Saying

“Working with Patricia as a guide in the Liberation of A Woman’s Soul program has given me an opportunity to bring up issues that are blocking my creativity as beliefs, paradigms, points of view, and a possibility to feel some shifts around these. Also, I enjoy being part of group of women and I enjoy feminine liberation topics. I am critically reviewing my life choices, career choice and job choice, trying to figure out how to make these more in line with my true gifts and my true voice. And I am way back at the start of this journey. Any big changes require courage, which I’m still building up. I think you did a wonderful job bringing all of us together and sharing your gifts of energy healing and connecting to the collective field to find those places that had to be transformed. I do not know how you could make it better, since it is an intuitive improvisation, rather than a scripted course. Some clearings were more powerful for me than other ones, but I do not believe this can be just let go, it is a process. Thank you very much!”

– Tatiana Ship


“I am so very thankful for the journey through Emissaries of Sacred Earth Level One, Sacred Feminine Leadership Codes Activation that Patricia facilitated. Her gentleness and ability to hold space for me was so supportive as I worked through what came up for me. Setting the intention for my journey was key in establishing a focus, and months later I am still continuing to process at a deeper level and find more blessings. The changes have been subtle for me, but lifelong! It was an amazing journey of clarity and healing, not always easy but well worth it!”

– Keri Haskell, Abstract Artist,


About Patricia Wald-Hopkins

Patricia Wald-Hopkins is a Modern Mystic, Infinite Self Catalyst, and Soul Liberation Guide for those ready to break free from old paradigm limitations and awaken to their Infinite Self and lead the life they are DIVINELY designed to live as a Voice of Gaia. She is an Akashic Records Wisdom Guide and creator of the Butterfly Healing Method ™ that supports her clients to embody their Infinite Self. She is a Gene Keys Ambassador & Guide and co-founder of the School of Light Collective. She is author in several best selling collaborative books including the chapter Butterfly Medicine Healing, in the book Energy Healing & Soul Medicine; and author of the chapter Stardust Blood: Codes for Harmony on Earth, in the book Awakening Starseeds: Dreaming Into The Future, Volume 3. She is also the creator of the Infinite Self Oracle Card deck and creator and host of the Divinely Inspired Woman podcast.