1:1 60 minute Alignment Activation

Align & Activate Your Voice of Gaia
Gene Keys + Human Design

Are you ready to activatein your sacred feminine leadership as one of the sacred Voices of Gaia on this beautiful planet?

 60 Minute Voices of Gaia| Alignment Activation (plus 1 week of integration support via messenger/ email)

This gives you a blueprint for rooting your essence into your human body here on Gaia, being supported by Gaia, and aligning your leadership voice with the well-being of Gaia.

My activations are much deeper than a reading. They are a deep cellular DNA alignment and activation to your soul path.

I focus on specific Gates/ Gene Keys in your profile that connect you to Gaia Consciousness. I support you to clear and activate these Gates/ Gene Keys at a cellular DNA level.

The Gene Keys and Human Design provide a map of your soul’s mission in this body in this lifetime. They are tools for aligning with and  living this soul’s mission.

I have found a shortcut for those that have these Gates/Gene Keys that have the strongest connection to Gaia, so they can show up in their work in the World as a Voice of Gaia, an emissary of sacred earth.


Who is this for?

This offer is for the individual that feels a strong call to be connected to Gaia’s rhythms, be a steward of Her resources and be a Voice of Gaia out in the world to guide others to this way of life.

This is for the individual who desires to surrender their personal agenda to the greater call to listen to Gaia for Her guidance that brings harmony to our planet. 

When you align with your unique earth wisdom you are being resourced energetically by Gaia and are now a Voice of Gaia. Now whatever you use your Voice of Gaia to create in the world will be sustainable, life giving and in harmony with all. This is so very essential to your success in becoming a conscious leader of the new earth.

If you are feeling stuck, overburdened, uninspired or out of your creative flow in your life or work, then this alignment activation is for you because it will align you with  your earth wisdom through Gene Keys/ Human Design, so that you can begin to explore living and creating in a supportive relationship with the earth where you are creating for harmony rather than in ways that drain you and your environment. This can support your success in all you do this year and beyond.

I will connect you to your unique earth wisdom using your Akashic Records, Gene Keys and Human Design. This is the doorway to embodying your health and wealth consciousness.

Book your 1:1 Voices of Gaia Alignment Activation today and you can choose to apply this investment toward the next group journey program!




Founder and creator of the Voices Of Gaia Alignment Activation & Master Mentorship