New Earth Leadership

Archetypal Blueprint

Activate Your Voice of Gaia New Earth Leadership Frequency

Gene Keys + Human Design 

There are 8 Voices of Gaia New Earth Leadership Archetypes that support you to activate, align and embody your unique Voice of Gaia New Earth Leadership frequency. Each archetype has 8 gifts that you can activate, align to and embody within you. Each archetype serves a specific function in creating heaven on earth. You have a unique combination of these gifts in YOU that the planet needs you to lead your life with at this time to shift our consciousness to the high love frequency of New Earth. You can live in the 5D heart based consciousness and still remain vital in your human body and experience a prosperous and wealthy life where the things that matter are the things that foster making space for more love.


you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Angels through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader.

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of the Wisdom of Past, Present and Future through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader. 

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Miraculous Grace of All Timelines through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader.

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Source through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader.

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Alchemical Transformation through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of All Heroic Acts through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of all Shades of Love through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader.

you are here to share the frequency of the Light of Divinely Inspired Play through your Voice of Gaia as a New Earth Leader.

This is such an important step in your evolutionary journey as well as our collective understanding of the leadership that we are being called to embody to create our heaven on earth, the 5D new earth consciousness that allows us to lead our life from the heart while also feeling fully alive and in love with our human body experience.

What you will find in this report is the list of the archetypes you intuitively felt a resonance with, a table showing your percent match with each archetype based on your Gene Keys and or Human Design Gates, an archetype frequency collage for your three primary archetypes, a full description of each of the three primary archetypes with a list of your unique superpowers/ gift for each of these archetypes, and a set of recommendations for working further with this blueprint.
