
Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity. New Feminine Evolutionary Book 2 (2019).
Say YES to Body Liberation. Your body is your temple—the Sacred home that carries you through your life journey… the only one you have this time around, right? Yet, we often spend life fighting the body, abusing it, and hating ourselves for being seen inside a skin that isn’t perfect—sculpted of muscles and fat in just the right proportion, gender correct, smelling nice, no wrinkles, no rolls, no frizz…and on and on. You may know this torture chamber of negative self-talk. And if so, only YOU can stop the war with your body! By making peace with your body and treating it with unconditional love and respect, you will discover the heart of your own Sacred Body Wisdom. Say YES to Body Liberation. Say YES to love.
My Chapter Title:
The EmBODY Codes: Transmissions of a Mystic on the Sacred Body and Being Human

Stores of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers (2023).
Stories of the Goddess” is a book and a call to action. It is a powerful and inspiring collection of stories that showcase the courage and determination of women who listen to their hearts and follow their inner knowing above all else. These women are shining examples of feminine power, breaking free from societal norms and paving the way for a new way of living, leading, and doing business from the heart. They disrupt old patterns and systems, standing in their truth and following their deeply feminine, heart-centered wisdom to elevate humanity. Through their journeys, these women embody the essence of love and offer a glimpse into a world where the divine feminine and masculine work harmoniously to create a better future for all. Their stories will inspire you to tap into your inner magic and rise as a champion of the Goddess. The awakening is here, and women worldwide are on a quest to rediscover their inner magic after years of suppression and subjugation.
Our mothers and grandmothers were forced to hide their gifts to survive in a patriarchal society, but now it’s time to break free and claim our rightful place. We are the keepers of our ancestral heritage, charged with upholding the honor of our families and tribes. We must reclaim our bloodlines from tyranny and take our rightful place as leaders and visionaries. The goddess calls upon us to serve as Her champions, using our hearts and wombs to create a better world with love and integrity. “Stories of the Goddess” reminds us that we all have a connection to the divine feminine, waiting to be awakened by the unique light frequency we emit. Women must unite across the lands and rise as a collective force to heal the world. The goddess awakens from within, a brilliant light that shines with power, grace, and might. She walks confidently, disrupting old patterns and systems to create a world worth living in. So, heed the call and join these brave women as they blaze a trail of love and light. The world needs your magic, sisters. It is time to rise and share our gifts with the world. As we tap into our inner magic, we create a world where the divine feminine and masculine work harmoniously to create a better future for all.
My Chapter Title:
Anointing Oils of the Goddess

Miraculous: Extraordinary Stories From Leaders, Wayshowers, And Visionaries That Activate and Instill Hope (2021).
In a time when bad news seems to outweigh the good, it becomes a daily struggle to hold on to the hope and positivity that is so important in our lives. Many of us now feel as if we are searching for something, but we are no longer sure what that is. Discover a world of love in Miraculous, a multi-author anthology that weaves together tales from a wide array of voices. From leaders to healers, to everyday people from widely different backgrounds, Miraculous will remind you that miracles, and indeed magic, surround us every day. They are the light shining within us, and all around us, if we are only willing to see them. This collection of stories will transform your way of viewing the world. It will help you awaken to the life-changing hope all around you. Delve into these true stories within, and experience the magic and energy of hope as it fills your soul.
My Chapter Title:
The Miracle of Light Language: Awakening to My Soul Voice and Purpose

Energy Healing & Soul Medicine: Stories of Healing & Miracles (2022).
Discover the power to Heal yourself and others. Experience first-hand experts who will give you a taste of what they offer through various healing modalities and experiences. Learn and discover all types of Healers, Coaches, Holistic Health Practitioners specializing in their powerful and unique offerings to assist you in your transformation and self-empowerment.
Authors share authentic stories, and some combine them with self-help-treatment tools and practices that balance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The multiple modalities offered in this book bring you closer to knowing which one fits your needs or your clients’ needs, and there are plenty of healing tools to choose from. So who would not want to acquire this precious information within your fingertips? If you want to find a guide, teacher, or mentor, this book is for you! This powerful collaborative book is a rare find. Wait no longer! It’s yours to unravel the sacred healing work these practitioners have to offer in these pages. Who wouldn’t want a team of badass healing experts?
My Chapter Title:
Butterfly Medicine Healing
My Chapter Title:
Butterfly Healing

Awakening Starseeds: Dreaming Into The Future, Vol. 3 (2022).
“You have all been born in such a transitional period and have assembled here today. In the future, the honest and virtuous people of the society will respond to Your call and will Unite.”-Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. The Awakening Starseeds Book Series is an ongoing, multi-year-long global collaboration project. Featuring a new collection of visionary authors pioneering transformation in every consecutive volume. Think Harry Potter for readers at the cutting edge of consciousness. As old paradigm structures are crumbling and millions of people are gripped by fear and despair, a wave of awakening Souls and Starseeds spans the globe, spreading the message of freedom, renewal, hope, and the promise of a great Neo-Renaissance for humanity. Chapter by chapter, readers find themselves inspired to think beyond old, ingrained belief systems as they reach into their hearts and minds to step into the future they’ve always dreamed of. “Dreaming Into The Future” features 17 international authors who dare to share their vision of a brighter future. Join the voices of the indigenous elders from a 4th generation Lemurian Shaman, Mayan Timekeeper from Guatemala, Maharlika PROUT philosopher from the Philippines, and Descendant of Native American Indian Warrior Geronimo. Join the Futurists, Visionaries, and Dreamers as they gather at the roundtable of Awakening Starseeds to share their stories to inspire and uplift your spirits worldwide. One thing they all have in common is the drive and desire to ignite a better future.
My Chapter Title:
Stardust Blood: Codes for Harmony on Earth

Poems from the Heart (2024)
Pre-order Ebook NOW!
My Chapter Title:
Conversations with Gaia

Oracle: Channeled Messages From Women Who Invoke The Divine To Assist Humanity Through The Golden Age (2024).
Ebook available NOW!
My Chapter Title:
Voices Of Gaia: Oracle For Prosperity And Harmony On Earth